Weather in Pakistan

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Weather in Pakistan

Weather in Pakistan: Based on NeemTime research.

Weather Overview of Pakistan

Pakistan experiences a diverse climate due to its geographic variety, ranging from arid deserts to mountainous regions. The country has a continental climate, with extreme variations between summer and winter temperatures. Pakistan is generally hot during summer and cool in winter, with the monsoon season bringing rainfall to various regions.

Weather Seasons of Pakistan

Winter (December to February): Cold in northern areas, with moderate temperatures in southern regions. Temperatures can drop below freezing in the mountainous regions.

Spring (March to May): Warm and pleasant, but temperatures begin to rise steadily by late spring, especially in central and southern Pakistan.

Summer (June to August): Extremely hot, particularly in the plains and southern regions, with temperatures often exceeding 40°C (104°F). The monsoon season also begins during this period, bringing rain to the eastern parts.

Autumn (September to November): Temperatures gradually decrease, and the weather becomes milder across the country.

Month with the Highest Temperature in Pakistan

June is typically the hottest month in Pakistan, with average temperatures ranging from 30°C to 45°C (86°F to 113°F), especially in the central and southern plains. Some regions, like Jacobabad and Sibi, can experience temperatures above 45°C (113°F).

Month with the Lowest Temperature in Pakistan

January is generally the coldest month, especially in northern Pakistan, where temperatures can drop below freezing in regions like Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In the plains, temperatures range from 5°C to 20°C (41°F to 68°F).

January Weather of Pakistan

January in Pakistan is cold, especially in the northern areas where temperatures can drop below 0°C (32°F). In the plains and southern parts, temperatures range from 5°C to 20°C (41°F to 68°F). Northern mountainous regions experience snowfall, while the southern areas remain dry and mild.

February Weather of Pakistan

February remains cool in most parts of Pakistan, with temperatures ranging from 8°C to 23°C (46°F to 73°F). The northern regions may still experience cold weather and occasional snowfall, while the plains and southern regions begin to warm up slightly. Rain is less frequent, making it a comfortable month for outdoor activities.

March Weather of Pakistan

March brings the beginning of warmer weather across Pakistan. Average temperatures range from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). The northern regions remain cool, while the plains and southern areas start to experience warmer days. The weather is generally dry, with clear skies, making it a pleasant time for outdoor activities.

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April Weather of Pakistan

April sees a noticeable rise in temperatures, especially in the southern and central regions. Average temperatures range from 20°C to 35°C (68°F to 95°F). Northern areas remain mild, but the plains and southern regions experience hotter days. The weather remains mostly dry, but heat starts becoming more intense in lower areas.

May Weather of Pakistan

May is typically very hot, especially in the plains, with average temperatures ranging from 25°C to 40°C (77°F to 104°F). In some areas, like southern Punjab and Sindh, temperatures can exceed 45°C (113°F). Northern areas still remain cooler compared to the plains. This is the start of extreme heat, particularly in southern regions.

June Weather of Pakistan

June is one of the hottest months in Pakistan, with average temperatures ranging from 30°C to 45°C (86°F to 113°F) in many areas. The heat is intense, particularly in southern and central Pakistan. The arrival of the monsoon towards the end of the month in eastern parts of the country brings some relief, but humidity levels rise.

July Weather of Pakistan

July marks the peak of the monsoon season in Pakistan, with average temperatures ranging from 28°C to 38°C (82°F to 100°F). The monsoon rains bring relief from the extreme heat, especially in eastern and northern regions. However, high humidity levels can make it feel uncomfortable. Flash floods can occur in some areas due to heavy downpours.

August Weather of Pakistan

August continues the monsoon season, with average temperatures ranging from 27°C to 35°C (81°F to 95°F). The rains remain heavy in northern and eastern regions, while southern and western parts experience lesser rainfall. The weather remains humid, but temperatures are lower than in May and June, providing relief from the summer heat. Flooding can be a concern in some areas due to consistent rains.

September Weather of Pakistan

September sees the gradual retreat of the monsoon in Pakistan, with average temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C (77°F to 95°F). Rainfall decreases significantly, especially in the northern and eastern regions, while humidity levels drop. The weather becomes more comfortable, especially in the northern and central regions, but the southern areas may still experience warm and humid conditions.

October Weather of Pakistan

October marks the onset of cooler and drier weather in Pakistan. Average temperatures range from 18°C to 30°C (64°F to 86°F). The northern regions experience a significant drop in temperature, with pleasant and mild days, while the southern regions, including Karachi, begin to cool off as well. October is a transitional month, making it ideal for travel and outdoor activities.

November Weather of Pakistan

November brings cooler weather across the country, with average temperatures ranging from 12°C to 25°C (54°F to 77°F). Northern areas, especially the mountainous regions, become quite cold, and frost may start to appear. The plains and southern regions enjoy mild and dry conditions. This month is one of the best times to visit Pakistan due to the pleasant weather.

December Weather of Pakistan

December is cold in the northern and mountainous regions, where temperatures can drop below 0°C (32°F), especially in areas like Gilgit-Baltistan. In the plains and southern parts, temperatures range from 5°C to 20°C (41°F to 68°F). The weather is dry, with cool days and cold nights. Fog and frost can be common in northern Pakistan, making it a distinct winter month.

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